Friday, March 6, 2009

Episode 6: Daylight Savings Time

Click here to listen to Daylight Savings Time

Hello All,

Happy Daylight Savings Time! I know we are thrilled to move an hour ahead in this household. We love that our two young children, who really like to wake up at 6 AM, will now wake up at 7AM. Well, OK, maybe just for Sunday, but at least we get one day of feeling that we are waking up at a normal hour! Also, we are so excited that longer, lighter, warmer days are on their way. The Appalachian Trail is one of our favorite spots to spend our weekends and nights. It is such an awesome hike with a lot of different entry points close to us and alternate terrains to choose from.

What did you say? A word of the day!
That is right! In our story there are many juicy words that
are fun to learn and say!

Pressure: a force or influence
Dismay: a breakdown of courage
Discussion: an exchange of views about a topic


Try these activities to keep your imagination glowing after hearing the story.

1. Rhyming words such as DATE and LATE have the same vowel sound and consonant vowel sound(s). Can you think of words of words that rhyme with GROW and TALL?

2. We change the clocks in the Fall and the Spring. Learn this saying to help you remember if you turn the clock forward or backward. "Fall back and Spring forward"


After listening to the story, can you recall the details to answer these questions?

1. The clocks were turned back an hour in November and went forward one hour in March. How many months are between November and March ?

2. Why was the boy worried about what he learned in school?

3. Who was the boy going to talk to when he arrived home from school?

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