Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hi All,

Manhattan Toy is generously donating an Automoblox Pick-up truck to one lucky person. You can check it out the truck and all the other fun products at To enter the contest follow these easy steps:

1. Click here and listen to our newest story "The I'm Sorry Truck"

2. Leave a comment on the blog about something you do that makes you feel special. It is that simple!

The contest will close on June 1st. We look forward to reading all your inspiring comments!


  1. I just made a "this is your Life" photo album for my new college graduate...with space to begin filling in her own adventures. She loved it...home made gifting is special.
    I love the natural wood+imagination in the automoblox...the best of both worlds. I hope I win!

  2. Hey Mel, on behalf of Gunnar, he likes to feel special by sitting on Mommy or Daddy's lab with his milk and a blanket for "snuggletime." Sharing parents with a little sister is tough, so 10 minutes of just Gunny time after Annie goes to bed is a big deal. :)

  3. Michael feels special when big brother Danny plays with him. He is non-stop chatter when Danny walks in the door from school.

  4. I love these. You guys are all so special to me!

  5. Saben feels special when his grandpa helps him "drive" grandma's car. Saben loves to sit in the driver seat and "steer" the car, while grandpa helps him change the radio station. Grandpa always tells Saben not to tell grandma he "drove" her car; but Saben always runs in and tells grandma he drove her "vroom."

    It's such a blessing to see two of the three most important men in my life (my husband being the other) sharing a special moment together. Saben is special because he helps remind me of the beautiful world that God has created. When I look at the world through his eyes, I see the beauty of creation and the wonders of imagination.

    Saben feels special when he drives grandma's car. I feel special just being blessed to be his mom :)

  6. Maizy feels special when she helps feed the fish in the pond. She picks up a big handful of fish food and she and Mumma say "one, two, three" and throw it into the water together. Then she says hello to all the fish she fed as they come to the surface.

  7. Joe feels special when he helps his mom cook dinner. Will feels special when he makes scrambled eggs all by himself. John feels special when he does something without being asked. The whole family feels extra special when they get care packages from their family in WV!

  8. What great comments Heather, Bonni and Kathleen!
    Kathleen, You must have some very special people who love you in WV!
